Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year

Ahhh, the New Year is fast approaching.  This is both the time to reflect and the time to look forward. 
I’ve had a busy year.  I’ve traveled to visit the wineries (and a fabulous restaurant One Block West) in Winchester, VA and an all-inclusive resort in the Dominican Republic. 
I’ve connected again with Alina Kay.  Gosh I love you and have missed you. 

I’ve had the opportunity to grow closer with my fabulous friends, and I’ve had the opportunity to make some new ones.  I’ve also reconnected with some people that I missed out on knowing all that well the first time around. 
As an introvert with some minor social skills friends are massively amazing to me every day.
Isabella has grown and flourished.  She’s a social animal who loves to travel, visit and even be boarded at her favorite Kennel, Indian Bridge.  The ladies there spoil her rotten. 

My husband remains my true love and I’m thankful and appreciative of him and who he is, even when he‘s wrong.  LOL  For our first year of marriage, I think we’ve done quite well adjusting and growing. 
I’ve made strides with my crafting and discovered that Craft Shows can be quite successful for me.  I’ve created a website and then recreated it, so I’ve even improved my web skills.  You can check out Two Crafty Women and let me know what you think.
I’m thankful for all of you who are in my life and I consider myself blessed each and every day.

For the New Year ahead, I have made my goals and resolutions. 
My first one is to be more diligent about organizing my time and activities.  I have so many things going on in my life, that sometimes; things get missed (such as this blog).  I also want to make sure I make time for my friends, my crafts, craft shows, volunteer work and of course my husband. 
I also want to strive to continue my connections with all my friends and get to know each and every one of you even better.
I want to travel even more.  On my short list is a trip to Memphis to see the King.  Hopefully we can swing by and see Alina Kay and her family on the way.    Here’s my mom before she passed away, at the gates of Graceland.
Another one came as a reminder from someone who suffered a tragic unexpected loss this past year.  I’m putting this on my list of things to do early in the New Year and it is actually a good idea for everyone.  I’m going to prepare a checklist and contact information on what to do if one of us passes away.  Insurance doesn’t help if my husband doesn’t know how to claim it.  Bank accounts and savings are not any help if he can’t access it because the state has it frozen.  As much as many of us don’t want to think about passing, I know we all don’t want to leave our loved ones unprepared. 

Love and Best Wishes for a Safe and Happy New Year.